


Information Pages

Our annual subscription is only £5, which includes free admission to all Open Meetings.
Non-members may attend Open Meetings for a nominal admission charge of £2.

Our About the Group page gives information on its formation and objectives.
A monthly Report is produced by our Chairman for both the Parish Magazine and the website, full of information and updates.
The Events section gives details of our forthcoming Group open meetings and  accompanying Speakers, along with a list of past Group speakers and entertainers.
The Group would also like to hear from anyone who has any further information, anecdotes or memorabilia about the Parish or its people.
Finally, we have also added a short ‘Village History‘, composed by our Chairman Tony Chidlow, which is well worth a read.

Group Archive

The Archive Data pages list the memorabilia and other information so far collected and is grouped by the type of object i.e. booklet, goudgephotograph etc.

Tithe Map
Parish of Marldon including Compton & Westerland Tithe Map

The Archive is continually being added to and updated. Our collection of books is steadily growing, and includes books by Elizabeth Goudge, who lived in Marldon, plus many other local titles. More details are on the Books Page. Our archive contains many documents and memoirs from Village life, and some of these will be published on the Social History page. Marldon’s renowned summer event is the Marldon Apple Pie Fair and we have a short history on the Apple Pie Fair  page. The 1840 Tithe Map for the Parish of Marldon, including Compton and Westerland comprises of a map and a comprehensive database of  field names and dwellings including Landowners and Occupiers. The Map is divided into smaller areas for ease of reference.

Church Data

The Group has recently completed a full survey of the Upper Churchyard, and this, together with an existing survey carried out some years ago, has enabled the m_m_churchfromllus to produce a fully comprehensive index of the whole Churchyard. The St John the Baptist Churchyard is divided into the Lower Churchyard, of mainly older burials and memorials , the more recent Upper Churchyard and the area for Caskets

Photographs & Postcards

We have two pages of present-day photographs, Marldon Now  which are the result of a project aimed at capturing a pictorial record of the Parish a_m_Save0116between the years 2000 – 2010. The photographs, many taken by Ray Bond, will hopefully stir memories of our beautiful parish. There are also images of times past in Marldon Bygones and Old Postcards

Contacts &  Links

If you would like to contact the Group regarding family history details, Group membership or other information our details are on the Contacts page.

Our annual subscription is only £5, which includes free admission to all Open Meetings.
Non-members may attend Open Meetings for a nominal admission charge of £2.

A number of useful sites are on the Links page.MLHG Banner

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